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Her voice penetrated me, I understood that Sasha was really trying to insert his penis into her. Wait, honey, stop or I’ll finish now ..., I whispered in my ear, the girl didn’t seem to hear me right away, she slowed down the pace. Now she gently stroked the testicles, sometimes pressing them just a little. This wave of sweet pain only increased my desire.
Is your wife cheating on you?! She asked suddenly out of nowhere.
I put on a cowboy costume and went on stage. The girls really liked my dance. Some of them, having drunk well, came up to the stage and touched me during the dance. And one drunk middle-aged woman with big breasts and a huge cleavage climbed onto the stage, turned her back on me and bent down and offered to become my filly.
Hello, please come in. Sasha, bring stools from the kitchen. My name is Lena, and my husband's name is Sasha.
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